Pet Rescue

This is Chiyou. She is a shy cat that comes from home of many. The home she came from had an overpopulation of pets which left her often fighting with the other for food.
Chiyou’s New home
Chiyou came to us after my mom put out the word at work that we were looking for a new cat. It had been a year since our first cat had unexpectedly passed away and we felt like we were ready for a new friend. The previous owner told us of their current situation, and they needed to rehome some of the kittens or risk sending them to a shelter where they risked euthanasia due to lack of space. They sent us the picture of the kitten and told us her name was tiny. This seemed like fate to us as my previous cat was also the smallest of his litter and was named tiny when we got her. As a result, we accepted her and even named her in honor of our previous cat.

This is Koji. He is an eight-year-old Yorkie.
I received it from a family friend who was unable to take care of him. He was often left for hours with no food or water while his owner was away due to the increasing workload. This left his dog struggling with anxiety and food aggression. Realizing they could no longer take care of the dog they called around to see who was willing to take on responsibility for the dog. Luckily my mother and I were looking for a new friend.
Today Koji enjoys being the center of attention. He enjoys chasing his sisters and telling us when we are not paying enough attention to him.

This is Yoshi. Yoshi is a medium hair cat.
She was found a kitten in the bushes on a cold October afternoon in 2017. I found her thanks to my dog Koji who kept constantly barking. I waited to see if her mother would return for her but as the temperature was dropping a set up a trap and took her in. initially, she was to be a foster, but my family soon grew fond of her.


Soon after we took her in, we noticed that her eyes seemed strange. They didn’t seem to be developing color as they normally do, and she was constantly getting buildup in her eyes. She appears as though she is blind, but she can see with limited vision. After a few visits to the vet, we learned that we learned that she had feline eyelid agenesis. This is a condition where the eyelids do not fully form which causes irritation to the eye. Due to this the eyes often get irritated causing build-up and scratches to the eye. This condition was fixed through a lip to eye surgery where the surgeon takes skin from the lip area and forms eyelids.


Yoshi is a healthy cat. She enjoys supervising projects and inspects everything thoroughly. Her favorite things to do include running out to the backyard when we let the dog out, knocking things over, and sitting in the middle of the computer when work is supposed to be getting done.